Just 20% of Voters Know What The Green New Deal Is

Just 20% of voters know what the Green New Deal is. A Napolitan News survey found that another 12% say they know what it means but cannot accurately define it. Twenty-five percent (25%) of Democrats know what it means along with 17% of Republicans.

Among those who know what the Green New Deal is, 53% have a favorable opinion of it, while 42% have an unfavorable opinion. 


There is a wide gap between the language of official Washington and the language of everyday Americans. Many terms commonly used in the political realm are unknown in the rest of the country. Napolitan News is building a library of such terms to help journalists, political leaders, and others communicate more effectively.


The Napolitan News Service surveys of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen November 20-21, 2024. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. and has a margin of error of +/- 3.1.