Frequently Asked Questions

What is OpenPress RSS?
OpenPress is a free syndication service for publishers and content creators. It aggregates up-to-the-minute breaking news stories by quality journalists for republishing.

How do I use OpenPress RSS?
Register for a free account to receive a custom RSS URL. Your website developer can implement this URL on your platform to automatically import stories from the feed.

How can editors curate stories using OpenPress RSS?
After implementing your custom RSS URL, editors can visit to select and add stories to your website. These stories can automatically appear as published or unpublished posts.

How can I amplify my content through OpenPress?
OpenPress helps publishers and content creators reach a wider audience by allowing the republishing of original content. Each republished piece will include a line saying, “This content originally appeared on [your website name with article link].”

How do I register for the free feed?
Simply click register and log in to your free account to receive a custom RSS feed. Implement this feed on your site with the help of your website developer

Have questions? Email us at [email protected].